Fruit and Vgetables2

Exercise 1

(V tomto cvičení si zopakujete slovíčka typu: slupka, pecka, jádro, stopka, oloupat, oškrábat, lusk…)

1. I admit that ……………………..  peas isn’t my favorite activity

a) peeling    b) skinning     c) shelling       d) flaking

2. Be careful, don´t slip on that banana ………………… .

a) peel        b) core         c) shell                d) skin

3. I prefer grapes that don´t have …………… . They always get stuck in my teeth.

a) seeds            b) pips         c) cores           d) stones

4. They ordered hazelnut ……………….. from 2012 harvest.

a) kernels           b) pips                  c) hearts                   d) nubs

5.  He finished the apple and threw the ………………… the bin.

a) shell               b) stone              c) core                 d) heart

6. Yuck! There´s a piece of egg-………… in John´s sandwich. Lucky he spotted it. He could have choked on it.

a) shell                b) kernel           c) core                  d) hull

7. Before you cook the fish, take off as many the ……………….. as possible.

a) skins               b) shells             c) scales                 d) peels

8. Avocados have huge ………………..

a) hearts            b) pips               c) eggs                    d) stones

9. Peaches, nectarines, plums, apricots, and cherries are commonly referred to as “……………… fruits”.

a) hard             b) stone                c) sweet                 d) skin

10. She slowly ………………….. an apple with her pocket-knife and cut it into quarters to share with her friends.

a) skinned          b) shelled             c) peeled                 d) stripped

11. You shouldn´t use your teeth to crack nut …………………. .

a) shells            b) cores                 c) skins                 d) stones

12. The best bit of a letuce is the …………… . It ´s so crunchy.

a)  inside            b) heart                c) core                 d) body


1c                                                                          11a
2d                                                                          12b


Exercise 2

(V tomto cvičení si zopakujete slovíčka typu: hlíza, oškubat, kořen, snítka, list, syrový, poupě…)

1. You have to ……………. a chicken or turkey before you can cook it.

 a) remove                   b) peel                       c) pluck                    d) skin
2. He bit into the plum and then spat out the …………….. onto the kitchen table. My mother was not impressed.
a) stone                      b) core                         c) heart                   d) pip
3. She  held the apple by the _____ and ate it all.
a) leaf                        b) branch                      c) root                     d) stalk
4. Potatoes grow underground, but the part we eat is not a root. It is an underground stem called a ……………………
a) shoot               b) onion                       c) bough                         d) tuber
5. When I peel onions, I can´t stop my eyes from …………………
a) dripping             b) dropping                   c) leaking                   d) watering


6. Brine-curing involves the …………………… of olives in a concentrated salt solution.

a) inundation             b) submersion          c) flood                      d) sealing-in

7. Cauliflower can be roasted, boiled, steamed, fried or eaten………. .

a) rude                    b) crude                    c) raw                d) rough

8. Curly leaf parsley is often used as a ………….. .

a) garnish                b) filling                    c) season                d) extender

9. Fresh dill ……………… can be frozen for up to two months.

a) sprigs                 b) springs                  c) branches             d) buds

10. You should  peel and …………… the pears before cooking.

a) debone                b) stone                    c) core                  d) gut