Randy Glasbergen´s cartoons

Randy Glasbergen  is an American cartoonist and humorous illustrator. If you want to know more about him, look at http://www.glasbergen.com/biography/


There are 5 Randy´s cartoons below. However, their captions (popisky) are mixed up. And there are 7 captions here – you will need only 5 of them.  Choose the right caption for each cartoon!                                           

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1) “How do you expect me to write with this? It doesn´t even have a USB port for a keybord!”
2) “Can I skip your classes if I promise to watch the History Channel when I grow up?”
3) I was lying on the floor watching TV and my mom accidently sucked the test answers out of my head while she was vacuuming.”
4) “In an increasingly complex world, sometimes old questions require new answers.”
5)”Do I get partial credit for simply having the courage to get out of the bed and face the world again today?”
6) “All of my professors told us the key to success is doing something you love. I love living at home with you and mom.”
7) “My report is about how important it is to save paper, electricity, and other resources. I´ll send it to you telepathically.”